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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Wallis

Intersections: An Introduction

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

In social work, we are trained to look at the world as a system of interrelated parts. Within our field, we work in three interconnected levels - micro, mezzo, and macro. While few of us truly spend all of our professional time in just one of these areas, we certainly are expected to specialize in one, maybe two, at any given point in our careers.

But what if by banding together across the many different domains of social work we could better support each other, as professionals and as individuals? What if bringing together micro, mezzo and macro social workers intentionally would help us all to better understand the context of the problems we approach within our own little bubbles?

That is my goal as a macro focused social worker who dabbles in mezzo and even the occasional micro focused project. I'm launching this blog without a clear direction- a nightmare for my anxious, over-thinking self. What I know for sure is that the only time I am more re-charged than after a conversation with a fellow social worker is after a conversation with multiple fellow social workers.

When we brainstorm together, we create new realities.

When we support each other, we build a better world.

I'd like to create a space for us to nurture the intersections of our work while always striving to address the intersectional problems of our society as defined by Kimberlé Crenshaw and expanded throughout the last few decades - recognizing racism, sexism, cis-heteronormativity, ableism, classism, and the many other ways that bias impacts us each in both personal and professional ways. Join me, and let's create something special together.

Annie Wallis, MSW

Queer Social Worker, Mom, Adventurer, Connector



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